'A Journey Through Spring' Resource Book
is now available!
It is so exciting to announce the completion of the third volume of the Seasonal Journey Series! Click on this link for details on how to order: STARLITE PUPPETS BOOKS AND RESOURCES PAGE
And work has begun on creating 'A Journey Through Summer' as well!! Plans are also in motion to begin recording 'A Journey Through Winter' companion cd. We'll keep you posted on the progress.
In honor of warmer weather, enjoy an excerpt from 'A Journey Through Spring' to use as a verse or mini-puppet story. In the picture a needle felted root baby was the base, and to make a jaunty hat felt pieces were cut into dandelion petals and tied tightly together at one end. I had a very large acorn cap I used as the base, hot glued the petals to the acorn cap, and then wrapped the cap with green felt its base. The second hat is a loosely woven small hat I picked up at a craft store. I used a stiff translucent white fabric, cut it into small squares, folded it over once, then folded it once more to become a smaller square. Silver thread was tied on at the fold. The white puffs were tied to a stick, the folded part tucked into the hat, and pulled out when the breezes blow! Wheeee! Off they go!
The Dandelion by Connie Manson
"In a meadow soft and green,
A little flower can be seen,
She gaily wears a yellow hat,
Then changes to a white one just like that!
Springtime* breezes gently blow,
And away the puffy blossoms go.
Bobbing to the east,
Swaying to the west;
Rising up so high into the air,
Dancing and bowing and floating there!
The golden meadow once more she sees,
Who calls, “Won’t you please come back to me?”
Then white blossoms without a sound,
Softly fall upon the ground.
To rest and slumber, there to stay
And wear a golden hat another day!"
by Connie Manson
*Note: Summertime breezes can be substituted here!